Global Valves & Engineering can supply exceptional quality severe service valves and actuators to suit most applications. We can help you with a variety of products ranging from severe service ball valves to sophisticated control valve packages and actuated severe service valves on super heated steam systems, vents, drains and turbine by-pass systems. Flexibility is a key factor of this ability. Flexibility provided by our local stock holding and supplier network both here locally and overseas, coupled with our network of Quality Accredited manufacturers of commodity and specialty products, enables us to meet most client's delivery requirements.

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  • Severe Service Valves
    • Ball Valves Class 150-600
    • Ball Valves Class 900-4500
    • Electronic Relief Valves
    • Parallel Slide
    • Special Applications
    • Control Valves
Scroll down for products overview


OPTIMUX CONTROL VALVES -- Severe Service & General Industrial: Rugged, precise, and easy to maintain

OpGL Globe Control Valve

A simple, reliable, rugged, and economical globe valve

  • A globe control valve with superior performance
  • Spring cylinder-actuator vs diaphragm-operated
  • Interchangeable flanges for class 150, 300 , and 600 thru 4''
  • Easy disassembly, including removal of bonnet and bolts
  • Tight shut-off
  • Lower lifetime cost

½''-42'':ANSI Class 150-600
1''-24'': ANSI Class 900-4500

Body Style

Globe, angle, three-way, steam-jacketed, Y-body

Connections Separable flanges, integral flanges, socket weld, butt weld
Materials Carbon steel, stainless steel, chrome-molly, alloy 20, Hastelloy B&C, titanium, and others.
Bonnet Types Normal, extended, cryogenic, cool box extended
Internals Flow characteristics: equal percentage, linear, and quick-open.
Soft or metal seats available (for bubble tight shutoff)

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OpDx Rotary Control Valve

Pressure-assisted seating achieves bi-directional bubble-tight shutoff and low breakout torque

  • High Performance Rotary Valve
  • Eccentric cammed disc for accurate throttling
  • Same flangeless body (wafer) serves ANSI classes 150, 300, & 600
    in 2'', 3'', 4'', 6'', and 8'' sizes
  • Flow capacity greater than globe, plug, and cammed control valves
  • Piston and cylinder actuator




Nominal pressures ANSI Class 150, 300, 900, 1500, 2500
Materials Carbon and SS, Chrome-molly, alloy 20, Monel, Hastelloy B&C, titanium, and other casting materials
Closings Soft closing: Teflon TFE, Teflon, PEEK, Kel-F
Metal closing: SS 316, Inconel
Flow characterisitics Inherent characteristic: modified parabolic.
By adding other cams, linear and equal percentage can also be obtained

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OpVee Ball Control Valve

A rugged ball valve designed to overcome the problems of hard-handling and particle entrained processes

  • Wide range of applications including chemical, pulp & paper, energy, and oil industries
  • Solves many long-standing, valve related challenges including:
    • Tensions in piping that unevenly load the seat
    • Small range due to limited orifice characterizations
    • Unsatisfactory shutoff capabilities
  • Flangeless design standard
  • Piston cylinder actuator delivers high thrust for high performance throttling
Type Ball valve


Nominal pressures ANSI Class 150, 300, 600 for the diameters: 1'', 1.5'', 2'', 3'', 4'', 6'', 8'', 10'', and 12''
Ball valve materials Stainless steel with hard chrome plating, stellite, Hastelloy C, Hastelloy B/B-2, Monel, Alloy 20, and titanium.
Seat materials Soft seat: PEEK, Glass-filled Teflon PTFE Metal seat: SS 316, stellite, Monel, Inconel
Actuators OpTk rotary actuator with fail safe spring and rocking piston

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OpExc Eccentric Plug Valve

A high performance rotary control valve that offers excellent range

  • Characterized by its innovative eccentric plug
  • Optimal performance in a wide array of process control applications
  • 'Not-through' shaft allows uninterrupted flow of fluid
  • Maintenance cycle surpasses five years of use for most applications


Eccentric Plug Valve



Nominal Pressures

W ith Flanges: ANSI Class 150, 300 and 600 Flangeless: ANSI Class 150 and 300

Plug Materials

A 564 Gr 630 (17-4 PH), 316 with Stellite #6

Seat Materials

Metal: AISI 316 with Stellite #6


OpTk rotary actuator with fail-safe spring and rocking piston

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Please contact us for more information on above listed and any additional product requirements.

Ph.. (02) 9620 7999 --- Fx. (02) 9620-7222 --- --- 

Address. Unit 4 / 19 Boden Road, Seven Hills. NSW 2147 Australia